TEAM Christy is a unique group that offers big benefits to every business located at Fremont Business Park at Christy Street. Business owners and CEOs are invited to participate in this group at no charge – guided by a certified chairperson from Vistage, the world’s leading organization for CEOs.
Recently, we distributed a survey to solicit your input to ensure that TEAM Christy serves your needs as you desire. Thank you to those who completed and returned surveys. Based on your input, here are a few of the changes that we’ll implement as part of the new TEAM Christy.
New Quarterly Schedule
For starters, TEAM Christy will now meet quarterly. In addition, all meetings will have one or two guest speakers presenting on topics of interest to a broad cross-section of businesses.
These speakers could be CEOs or owners of businesses at Fremont Business Park, who will be sharing their business experience, challenges and how they successfully address them. Or we’ll invite outside experts such as tax specialists or business insurance professionals speaking on timely topics that could impact the majority of businesses.
Other Valuable Opportunities
In addition to the meetings at Fremont Business Park, Christy Street owners and CEOs will be invited to other business enrichment opportunities hosted by nearby TEAM affiliates such as TEAM Club Auto Sport.
For example, all Fremont Business Park business owners or CEOs are cordially invited to:
Club Auto Sport Open Door Series
Top 12 Employment Laws You Need to Know
Wed. October 19th 4:30 – 6:30pm
Roberta S. Hayashi and Kara L. Arguello
Berliner • Cohen
Linda Railton, PHR
Jenkins Insurance Group
RSVP • Anna McQuillan-Rose
(408) 770-1205 •
What Won’t Be Changing
Here’s the best part – TEAM Christy will continue to offer a great opportunity for businesses at Fremont Business Park to network, refer business to one another, learn from each other, and receive valuable mentoring and leadership guidance from the Vistage chairperson and fellow CEOs at the group’s quarterly meetings.
The next quarterly TEAM Christy meeting will be held:
Thurs. November 10th 11am – 1pm
Fremont Business Park Conference Room
RSVP Lee Jatta (408) 520-2437
For more information about TEAM Christy or to refer a business associate to tour one of the few remaining suites in the three buildings, e-mail Lee Jatta, or call (408) 520-2437. DRE License #01828564.