Next TEAM Meeting is July 14
TEAM Christy
Thursday, July 14
11am – 1pm
Thursday July 14 – plan to spend lunch with us again as Sterling from Vistage International runs another fantastic TEAM meeting. Please RSVP to Lee Jatta so we can get an accurate count for the free lunch!
Special Guest: Jay Corbett, Jenkins Insurance Group
Jay Corbett is Executive Vice President, Business Insurance Services at Jenkins Insurance Group and is responsible for supporting client acquisition and retention as well as development of client services. His experience and clientele is very diverse from involvement with contractors, technology, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, entertainment, property management, and professional services, all requiring a broad understanding of these industries and the needs of our clients. Jay is also responsible for forming two of the first 10 workers’ compensation Self Insured Groups in California, one for Beverage Distributors and the other for Credit Unions.