Facebook began in 2004 as an intriguing idea by an imaginative Harvard student to create an online resource for connecting students at the university. It soon expanded to other schools, then to the general population. Lately businesses have discovered Facebook as a new tool to connect with loyal “fans” and reach out to potential prospects.
Today, Facebook has more than 400 million active users. More than half of those users log onto Facebook every day. That’s 200 million potential customers. So when you ask yourself whether your business should be involved with Facebook, the answer has to be “yes”.
What’s the best, most productive way for you to use Facebook? For the answer, you’ll want to attend the next TEAM Christy meeting for an illuminating presentation by Facebook expert, Milind Gokarn. Bring a notepad!
Thursday, September 23rd
12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m.
Meeting with lunch included
Building 42840 Christy Street, Suite 208
Wide Range of Facebook Topics
Gokarn is CEO of Selectiva, Inc., a member of TEAM Junction, TEAM Christy’s sister group at Junction Office Center office condos in San Jose. Gokarn – who works with a number of businesses, large and small, to customize Facebook applications – will not only provide an overview of Facebook and its business uses, but he will also talk about how businesses can use specialized applications to further integrate Facebook with their websites and maximize the business potential.
Special Guest: Sterling Lanier, Group Chair of Vistage International
Following Milind’s presentation will be a very special guest: Sterling Lanier of Vistage International. You definitely will not want to miss this! Vistage is the world’s leading firm that helps develop CEOs and other top executives. They’ve worked with 14,500 executives in 15 countries worldwide.
Lanier will talk about a unique opportunity to get Vistage involved in TEAM Christy meetings and bring significant business value and benefits to you and your fellow TEAM Christy members.
RSVP Required
With this kind of program fit into a power-packed 90 minutes – plus a lunch provided free of charge by Borelli – you can expect it to be the best-attended TEAM Christy meeting to-date.
An RSVP is required and of course will be much appreciated. Contact Lee Jatta, or call him at (408) 453-4700 x140. DRE License #01828564